James Wilks   Producer - The Game Changers Movie, Winner - The Ultimate Fighter

For over four years now, we've been fortunate to work closely with Martin as a key advisor for the Game Changers movie and more recently as we developed and launched the Game Changers Institute. His thoughtful counsel has helped us strive for maximum impact, but also stay focused on tangible pathways to get there. He's a gifted leader, strategist and advisor and we look forward to all we can do together in the years ahead.

Ashley Henry   Business For A Better Portland

It's difficult to put into words just what a thoughtful and sharp leader Martin is. Martin has a very unusual combination of deep knowledge, brilliant analysis, and passionate vision. What's more is that he is also a real listener----something that's hard to come by in this fast-paced world. He's a serious businessman with sincere compassion.

Joseph McCormick

Martin is a new type of leader, one who listens deeply to other people's visions, then skillfully facilitates alignment in support of a unifying vision. This is the highest order of leadership, leader as facilitator, coalition builder. I look forward to seeing where he'll be in five more years.

Christiana Musk  Founder, Flourish*ink

Martin brings a bold, yet grounded leadership style to his work. He jumped in on a fast-paced project and worked hard to accelerate our effort while simultaneously working to build a longer-term vision. He has played a critical role in developing and working with our partners, and growing our network. It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to design and implement a high-impact initiative with a true systems-thinker with a big heart.

Renee Lertzman, Ph.D.

I am lucky and blessed to have been able to work and collaborate with Martin on a number of high-profile, high-impact projects concerning sustainability and stakeholder engagements. Martin brings an unusual combination of business acumen, savvy and soul to his engagements - sensitive but highly effective. I would trust him to bring 'presence' and grace to just about any setting, including those requiring skillful negotiations (as most sustainability enterprises do). Martin gets the "big picture" but always stays firmly grounded on the earth, with considerable strategic capacity. I have learned a great deal while enjoying our relationship and his gifts as a coach and collaborator.

Kari Hamerschlag   Deputy Director at Friends of the Earth

I first met Martin while working on the U.S. Dietary Guidelines campaign to integrate sustainability and was impressed by his ability to quickly get up to speed on such a complex issue, see the bigger picture and also help us to focus clearly on the key next steps for our work. He is a keen strategic thinker and was able to quickly build strong relationships with our key partners and stakeholders. As we move toward dietary patterns that can improve health and reduce environmental impact, it’s great to know that Martin is working with us and helping to translate complex campaign objectives into concrete and effective actions. Martin is a powerful asset to any organization smart enough to hire him as an advisor.

Russ Lehman   Executive Director, Food Action

Though I have known Martin for a relatively short time, I can say that I have rarely met or worked with someone so uniquely smart, creative, optimistic and valuable. He embodies the moniker "intelligent optimist" and bases all his work/efforts on a value equation which holds that we are judged by whether we leave our community (large and small) better than we found it. A remarkable resource, I cannot overstate how lucky all of us are to have him working to make work, our public institutions and the ways we manage and conserve our environment truly sustainable.

Felicia Phillips   CFO & Vice President of Operations at BEF

I had the pleasure of working with Martin on the operational start-up side of the Green Sports Alliance. Not only did Martin do an excellent job of attracting funding and top-notch members from the sports world, he also maintained a high level of integrity and very personable nature. Martin was a joy to work with and it was fun to watch him build a successful, thriving organization from the ground up. I recommend Martin to anyone who wants to work with a very knowledgeable sustainability professional who is charismatic and dedicated to his profession.

Samuel Lee-Gammag   Food Climate Research Network, Oxford University (Research and Communications Officer)

Working with Martin on a recent fast-paced campaign to support the inclusion of sustainability in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, I was struck by the ease with which he guided a complex, high-pressure, multi-stakeholder process, to considerable success.  His excellent communication and stakeholder engagement enabled the effective collaboration of a very diverse group of non-profits, academics, and foundations towards a common goal. His breadth, energy and strategic insight is impressive and I would highly recommend his work to any organization seeking to amplify the impact of their mission.

Jennifer Regan   Principal and Chief Sustainability Officer at We Bring It On, Inc. and Board Member Green Sports Alliance

Martin is a natural leader who knows how to build momentum and galvanize a movement. As a woman, I was especially thankful for Martin’s empowering form of leadership. Any person or organization that wants to change the world would be lucky to have Martin working on their behalf.

Doug Cohen   Owner, The Leadership Center

Some rare people are just natural connectors. Being in their orbit can be very valuable. Some leaders are recognized as generous for putting others needs before their own. Over the course of a 25 year business career, I occasionally run across a type of strategic thinker who it is so refreshing to be around because they see relationships and suggest solutions that elude their peers. Martin Tull is a living, breathing composite of each of these traits. 

Val Fishman   Chief Development Officer, BEF and Change the Course

As a board member of the Green Sports Alliance, I had the opportunity to work with Martin since the founding of the organization. Martin quickly doubled membership and revenue of the organization and was instrumental and key to the success of the organization today. He was relentless on driving sponsorship revenue, while never taking his eye off the ball on delivering value for current members. I was consistently impressed and inspired, time and again, at his ability to remain calm under pressure, and be incredibly steady amongst strong personalities.

Scott Jenkins   Board Chair of the Green Sports Alliance

Martin's leadership has been instrumental in the dramatic growth of the Green Sports Alliance. He has worked tirelessly during the start up phase and quickly created a strong vision for the organization as well as an attractrive value proposition for professional sports teams and venues. The Alliance will surely grow under his leadership as we drive bottom results, build brand value, influence the supply chain, and most importantly, raise awareness across all demographics that there's a better way to play. 

Harvey Jones   VP Construction, Canucks Sports and Entertainment

Martin is a fantastic and inspirational leader…his dedication and vision has taken our organization to new levels in a year and a half we could have never dreamed of. His knowledge and passion for sustainable causes is outstanding.

Travis Huntington   Senior Producer | Apple

What can’t you say about Martin. Bright, curious, highly collaborative, thoughtful, detail-oriented and strategic in the most literal sense of the word. As a team player or lead consult, Martin mixes national business savvy with an impressive display of sustainable practices knowledge and priorities.

Carrie Hearne   Sustainability strategy | Business development

Martin has a poignant way of bringing leaders, doers and thinkers together to advance blue-sky strategies and promote collaboration in this new world where sustainability is key. Martin shares his vision of a sustainable future and builds a strong, active network to work towards that vision.

Lora O'Connor   Executive Producer at Inaugural National Youth Action Summit – BridgeBuilders

Martin understands systems in both the natural and civic worlds, enabling him to support and foster inter-disciplinary collaboration, so acutely needed in our time and in our society. I highly recommend Martin for any role involving support of leaders or innovation development.

Kira Higgs   Facilitation | Strategy | Structural Consultant | Panel Moderator

Martin brings immediate value to the table the instant he takes a seat. During the Oregon Global Warming Commission's Communication and Outreach Committee planning sessions, Martin brought fresh ideas, practical solutions and an incredible network for us to connect to. He expertly guided the subcommittee that designed and outfitted KeepOregonCool.org - and we all know design by committee is no cake walk! He made it look so easy. Anyone fortunate enough to work with Martin will feel rewarded many times over.

Matthew Tunnell   CEO of Formos

Martin is an excellent relationship builder with an unwavering commitment to strong social and environmental values. He maintains a very practical sensibility mixed with a passion for progress that is infectious. He continues to represent us well in the community and I look forward to working with him in the coming years.

Steve Scott   Senior Vice President, Revenue at the Portland Trail Blazers

Martin has skillfully worked to organize and successfully launch the Green Sports Alliance. Martin's ability to collaborate with a board that is spread out across North America and help maximize the potential of the organization is to be commended. He is collaborative in his leadership approach and has a passion for all things sustainable. 

Ian Petrich

Martin is a patient and tenacious facilitator, capable of juggling multiple priorities and agendas, while still keeping everyone focused on forward progress.

Linda Brentano   Transformational Coach, Retreat Facilitator & Owner

Martin played a major role in the success of our Symposium, inspiring and supporting the team with his unflagging passion for sustainability, masterful communication and collaboration skills, and amazing network. Personally, I am very grateful to have had an opportunity to learn from Martin's vast knowledge of how to leverage technology for social change.

Debilyn Molineaux   Transformation Facilitator, Bridge Alliance and Living Room Conversations

Martin's insights and ability to weave diverse viewpoints into a cohesive pattern are not only needed at this time in our history, but essential to our growth as a nation and for the world. Martin's natural ability to gently facilitate people and move conversations forward are a great asset.

Nick Kislinger

Martin is one of those rare people that you know you will be working with for a long time. He is gifted in his ability to communicate complex ideas and he listens in a way that somehow makes you want to talk. Over the past year working together, it became apparent that Martin truly gets what “sustainability” means and he works closely with many of the people defining that space. His track record of managing and scaling businesses and organizations gives him the experience to offer advice with the authority of a seasoned entrepreneur. It is a great honor to recommend Martin without reservation.

Jill Sughrue   Actor . Voice Over . Producer

I was, and am, always impressed by Martin's gentle wisdom and intelligent grasp of the situation and his compassion for all people. I have looked up to and do my best to follow his example for meeting people where they are on the journey to a more just and sustainable world.

Regina Hauser

Martin is an enthusiastic connector of ideas and people. He's taken the time to bring together different people in the sustainability community. 

Larry Bednar

Martin was my designated primary contact with my client during a MAJOR transition to a new database system. He was very sharp at understanding technical explanations supporting key decisions during that project. In addition, he was capable of making firm, clear decisions about very important branches in the project. I've found those characteristics VERY helpful in projects such as this, and have only rarely encountered individuals so capable in his role. 

Kirstin Greene   Economic Development Specialist

Being introduced to Martin was a highlight of 2009. A positive, hard-working uber-connector, I look forward continued collaborations in 2010. An active member of the state's Global Warming Commission Outreach Committee and a national board member of the Climate Prosperity Initiative, Martin is concerned about and committed to creating real change on behalf of the economy, environment and community - something I appreciate very much...all for initiatives that help make our community a better place.

Jon Symes   consultant | coach | facilitator | speaker

Two things I love about Martin; He gets the big picture as clearly as any but also has the less common skill of translating it into workable detail and holding this along with the macro. And, this guy can facilitate elegantly and effectively even in trying circumstances. I trust his sense of process, his empathy and human understanding plus his intuition.

James Hanusa   Futurist, Catalyst, Advisor

Martin is a great communicator and collaborator. He is very well connected and an innovative idea man. A person dedicated to bringing positive change to the world. He is fun to work with, a conscious presence and knows how to get things done.

Howard Silverman   Instructor at Pacific Northwest College of Art

Martin and I enjoy brainstorming on a shared passion: How can the tools of knowledge management - from facilitated dialogs to databases and social software - bolster social-ecological resilience? I highly admire Martin for his ability to connect people and ideas, conceptualize effective campaigns, and identify business opportunities for fostering social and institutional change.

Mike Mercer

Martin is a creative thinker with a passion for a sustainable world that inspires others to action. He is also a whole lot of fun to be around.